Helzberg Helps + Wendell Phillips Elementary

SarahNov. 20, 2014

In the spirit of Thanksgiving,  we want to give thanks to some of the incredible people that make up our organization.  This fall just after our training session at Wendell Phillips, I got an email from Reader Martha.  She said she was so excited about the program that she’d gone back to her office and told everyone about it (HOORAY!) in hopes of recruiting more Readers.  Martha works for Helzberg Diamonds.  Their charitable organization, Helzberg Helps, held a committee meeting that Martha attended and shared the Lead to Read mission.  They decided to donate some books to the school in September and as a Merry Christmas from Helzberg they would donate some Kindle e-Readers!  She worked with us to divide the book donations between the two classrooms we serve.  We then worked with the school principal, Ms. Brown to coordinate the e-Reader donations.  This week Martha & Joy (pictured below) presented the e-Readers to Ms. Brown to be donated to the library!  This allows any teacher in the building to check them out for their classroom.  They also provided giftcards so the librarian can download books that are a best fit for the students.  We are so excited to see Readers spread the word, become engaged with the schools and come to us with the ways they are thinking outside the box!     


Martha Schofield, Joy Stover (Readers) and Ms. Deloris Brown (Wendell Phillips principal)